Eagle Tribune cites Riverwalk Dental for “Operation Gratitude” Candy Buyback Program

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“Riverwalk Dental P.C. said they collected and shipped 135 pounds of candy last year and hope to continue their program’s growth and increase candy donations” states the Eagle Tribune in its article titled Cash for candy: Local dental offices collect Halloween candy and ship it to deployed soldiers overseas.

Dr. Beninato and Dr. Patsi are proud to take part in this important program for both our children and our troops!

Also, please see our article in the Eagle Tribune showing Dr. Patsi and her daughters delivering over 300 pounds of candy in support of our brave men and woman overseas:

Photo article courtacy of the Eagle Tribune

This program will continue through this week and will end on Friday, November 1oth.  Please bring your unwanted candy today for cash and save a healthy smile all year long.

Our office is located at 354 Merrimack Street, Suite 334 in Lawrence, MA.


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